
Okinawa's bamboo instrument ------ Yotsutake

Ryukyuan Dance

Ryukyuan dance (琉球舞踊 Ryukyu Bu Yo) is Okinawa's original dance culture. In 2009 September, Ryukyuan dance was designated as National Important Intangible Cultural Properties.


Yotsutake is musical instrument made from bamboo. Consisting of two pieces of bamboo and it is always used two pairs.

Some people call “Yotsutake (よつたけ)”, “Yotsudake(よつだけ)” or “Yotsutaki(よつたき)”.

Also, Yotsutake is name of music and danced to entertain Sakuho-shi that is accredited Chinese envoys to neighboring kingdoms. According to “The Traditional Culture of Okinawa,” one of the most frequently presented onna odori (Woman dancing) dances, Yotsutake is generally performed by a large group of dancers on festival occasions. The dancers wear the headdress which has virtually become the symbol of Okinawa, designed in the form of a red flower decorated with blue waves, and brilliantly colored bingata costumes. The large number of dancers and their vivid appearance make this one of the most visually captivating items in the repertoire. 

I played Yotsutake. 
My playing sounds noisy, but professional playing sounds music. 

Using strings is easier to click them. It is for the Yotsutake beginners!!

In Naha city Okinawa, there is entertainment restaurant you can enjoy watching Ryukyuan dance and foods. And Yes, of course my shop Okinawa Market has Yotsutake instrument. 

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